Source code for cerise_client.service

from . import errors
from .job import Job

import docker

import errno
import os
import requests
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time

# Creating and destroying services

[docs]def create_managed_service(srv_name, port, srv_type, user_name=None, password=None): """ Creates a new managed service for a given user at a given port. Args: srv_name (str): A unique name for the service. Must be a valid Docker container name. port (int): A unique port number on which the service will be made available. It will listen only on localhost. srv_type (str): The type of service to launch. This is the name of the Docker image to use. user_name (str): The user name to use to connect to the compute resource. password (str): The password to use to connect to the compute resource. Returns: Service: The created service Raises: ServiceAlreadyExists: A service with this name already exists. PortNotAvailable: The requested port is occupied. """ dc = docker.from_env() try: _ = dc.containers.get(srv_name) raise errors.ServiceAlreadyExists() except docker.errors.NotFound: pass if user_name == '': user_name = None environment = {} if user_name is not None: environment['CERISE_USERNAME'] = user_name if password is not None: environment['CERISE_PASSWORD'] = password try: srv_type, name=srv_name, ports={'29593/tcp': ('', port) }, environment=environment, detach=True) except docker.errors.APIError as e: # Bit clunky, but it's all Docker gives us... if 'address already in use' in e.explanation: raise errors.PortNotAvailable(e) if 'port is already allocated' in e.explanation: raise errors.PortNotAvailable(e) raise time.sleep(1) return Service(srv_name, port)
[docs]def destroy_managed_service(srv): """ Destroys a managed service. This will make the service unavailable, and delete all jobs and information about them (including input and output data) in this service and on the compute resource. Args: srv (Service): A managed service. Raises: ServiceNotFound: A service with this name was not found. """ dc = docker.from_env() try: container = dc.containers.get(srv._name) container.stop() container.remove() except docker.errors.NotFound: raise errors.ServiceNotFound()
[docs]def managed_service_exists(srv_name): """ Checks whether a managed service with the given name exists. Args: srv_name (str): Name of the service. Must be a valid Docker container name. Returns: bool: True iff the service exists """ dc = docker.from_env() try: dc.containers.get(srv_name) return True except docker.errors.NotFound: return False
[docs]def get_managed_service(srv_name, port): """ Gets a managed service by name and port. Args: srv_name (str): Name that the service was created with. Must be a valid Docker container name. port (int): Port number that the service was created with. Returns: Service: The service, if it exists. Raises: ServiceNotFound: The requested service does not exist. """ if not managed_service_exists(srv_name): raise errors.ServiceNotFound() return Service(srv_name, port)
[docs]def require_managed_service(srv_name, port, srv_type, user_name=None, password=None): """ Creates a new managed service for a given user at a given port, if it does not already exist. If a service with the given name already exists, it is returned instead and no new service is created. Args: srv_name (str): A unique name for the service. Must be a valid Docker container name. port (int): A unique port number on which the service will be made available. It will listen only on localhost. srv_type (str): The type of service to launch. This is the name of the Docker image to use. user_name (str): The user name to use to connect to the compute resource. password (str): The password to use to connect to the compute resource. Returns: Service: The created service Raises: PortNotAvailable: The requested port is occupied. """ if managed_service_exists(srv_name): return get_managed_service(srv_name, port) return create_managed_service(srv_name, port, srv_type, user_name, password)
# Starting and stopping managed services
[docs]def managed_service_is_running(srv): """ Checks whether the managed service is running. Returns: bool: True iff the service is running. """ dc = docker.from_env() container = dc.containers.get(srv._name) return container.status == 'running'
[docs]def start_managed_service(srv): """ Start a stopped managed service. Does nothing if the service is already running. """ dc = docker.from_env() container = dc.containers.get(srv._name) container.start() # Give it some time to start, so subsequent calls work time.sleep(1)
[docs]def stop_managed_service(srv): """ Stop a running managed service. This must be done before shutting down the computer, to ensure a clean shutdown. Does nothing if the service is already stopped. """ dc = docker.from_env() container = dc.containers.get(srv._name) container.stop()
# Serialisation of services
[docs]def service_to_dict(srv): """ Saves the service to a dictionary. The dictionary can later be used to recreate the Service object by passing it to service_from_dict(). The exact format of the dictionary is not given, but it contains only Python built-in types so that it can easily be stored or otherwise serialised. Returns: dict: A dictionary with information necessary to rebuild the Service object. """ return { 'name': srv._name, 'port': srv._port }
[docs]def service_from_dict(srv_dict): """ Gets a service from a dictionary. The dictionary must have been created by a call to service_to_dict(). Args: srv_dict (dict): A dictionary describing the service. Returns: Service: The service, if it exists. Raises: ServiceNotFound: The requested service does not exist. """ return get_managed_service(srv_dict['name'], srv_dict['port'])
[docs]class Service: def __init__(self, name, port): """ Create a new Service object. Note that this does not actually create the Docker container; use create_service(), get_service() or service_from_dict() to obtain a Service object with an actual corresponding service. Args: name (str): The name for the service (and its corresponding Docker container). port (int): The port number on which the service runs. """ self._name = name """str: The name of this service, and its Docker container.""" self._port = port """int: The port number on localhost that the service listens on.""" self._srv_loc = 'http://localhost:' + str(self._port) self._filestore = self._srv_loc + '/files' self._jobs = self._srv_loc + '/jobs'
[docs] def create_job(self, job_name): """ Creates a job to run on the given service. Args: job_name (str): The name of the job. This must be unique among all jobs on this service, and must consist of letters, digits, underscores and hyphens. A GUID or similar is recommended. Returns: Job: The new job. Raises: JobAlreadyExists: A job with this name already exists on this service. """ self._create_input_dir(job_name) return Job(self, job_name)
[docs] def destroy_job(self, job): """ Removes a job, including all its input and output data, from the service. Args: job (Job): The job to be removed. Raises: JobNotFound: No job with this name or id was found on this service. Did you destroy it twice? CommunicationError: There was an error communicating with the service. """ self._delete_input_dir( r = requests.delete(self._jobs + '/' + if r.status_code == 404: raise errors.JobNotFound("Either the input directory or the job could not be found.") if r.status_code != 204: raise errors.CommunicationError(r, r2)
[docs] def get_job_by_id(self, job_id): """ Gets a job by its id. Args: job_id (str): The id of the job, as returned by after it's been created. Returns: Job: The requested job. Raises: JobNotFound: The job is unknown to this service. Either it was deleted, or it never existed on this service. """ job = self._get_job_from_service(job_id) declared_inputs = None return Job(self, job['name'], job['id'], declared_inputs, job['workflow'], job['input'])
[docs] def get_job_by_name(self, job_name): """ Gets a job by its name. Only jobs that have been submitted are on the service, so if has not been called, this will not find the job. Args: job_name (str): The name of the job, as set when it was created. Returns: Job: The requested job. Raises: JobNotFound: The job is unknown to this service. Either it was deleted, or it never existed. Did you run() the job? """ job = [job for job in self.list_jobs() if == job_name] if job == []: raise errors.JobNotFound() return job[0]
[docs] def list_jobs(self): """ List all the jobs known to the service. Note that only jobs that have been submitted are known to the service, if you have not called yet, it won't be in there. Returns: [Job]: A list of known jobs. Raises: CommunicationError: There was a problem communicating with the service. Is it running? """ r = requests.get(self._jobs) if r.status_code != 200: raise errors.CommunicationError(r) jobs_json = r.json() return [Job(self, job['name'], job['id'], None, job['workflow'], job['input']) for job in jobs_json]
[docs] def get_log(self): """ Get the internal Cerise log for this service. If things are not working as you expect them to (e.g. a job status of SystemError), the log may contain useful information on what went wrong. Returns: str: The job log """ dc = docker.from_env() container = dc.containers.get(self._name) stream, stat = container.get_archive('/var/log/cerise/cerise_backend.log') with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmp: tmp.write( with as archive: # Scope guard does not work in Python 2 logfile = archive.extractfile('cerise_backend.log') service_log ='utf-8') logfile.close() return service_log
def _input_dir(self, job_name): """ Returns the remote URL for the input data directory for the given job. Args: job_name (str): The name of the job to return the input directory for. Returns: str: The URL. """ return self._filestore + '/input/' + job_name def _create_input_dir(self, job_name): """ Create a remote input data directory for a job on this service. Args: job_name (str): The (unique!) name of the job to make a directory for. Raises: JobAlreadyExists: A directory named after this job already exists on this service. """ # Note: WebDAV requires the trailing / r = requests.request('MKCOL', self._input_dir(job_name) + '/') if r.status_code == 405: raise errors.JobAlreadyExists() def _upload_file(self, job_name, local_file_path): """ Upload a local file to a remote input data directory for a given job. Directory must have been made first using _create_jobdir(). If a file with the same name already exists, it is overwritten silently. Args: job_name (str): The name of the job to which this file belongs. local_file_path (str): The path to the local file to upload. Returns: str: The remote URL where the file was stored. Raises: FileNotFound: The local file could not be opened. """ base_name = os.path.basename(local_file_path) remote_url = self._input_dir(job_name) + '/' + base_name try: with open(local_file_path, 'rb') as local_file: requests.put(remote_url, except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise errors.FileNotFound() return remote_url def _run_job(self, job_desc): """ Start a job on the service. Args: job_desc (dict): The job description. Must contain keys 'name', 'workflow' and 'input' with the name of the job, the URL to the workflow, and the input description dict respectively. Returns: str: The id given to this job by the service. Raises: InvalidJob: The job was invalid, perhaps because the workflow has not been set. """ r =, json=job_desc) if r.status_code == 400: raise errors.InvalidJob() return r.json()['id'] def _cancel_job(self, job_id): """ Cancel a job running on the service. Args: job_id (str): The id of the job. Raises: JobNotFound: The job was not found on the service CommunicationError: There was a problem communicating with the service. """ r = + '/' + job_id + '/cancel') if r.status_code == 404: raise errors.JobNotFound() if r.status_code != 200: raise CommunicationError() def _job_state(self, job_id): """ Get the state of the given job. Args: job_id (str): The server-side job id. Returns: str: The state that the job is in. Raises: JobNotFound: The job is unknown to the service. CommunicationError: There was a problem communicating with the service. """ job = self._get_job_from_service(job_id) return job['state'] def _get_job_log(self, job_id): """ Get the log of the given job. Args: job_id (str): The server-side job id. Returns: str: The log as text. Raises: JobNotFound: The job is unknown to the service. CommunicationError: There was a problem communicating with the service. """ r = requests.get(self._jobs + '/' + job_id + '/log') if r.status_code == 404: raise errors.JobNotFound() if r.status_code != 200: raise errors.CommunicationError(r) return r.text def _get_outputs(self, job_id): """ Get the outputs of the given job. Args: job_id (str): The server-side job id. Returns: dict: The CWL output dictionary. Raises: JobNotFound: The job is unknown to the service. CommunicationError: There was a problem communicating with the service. """ job = self._get_job_from_service(job_id) return job['output'] def _delete_input_dir(self, job_name): """ Delete the input directory of the job with the given name. Args: job_name (str): The client-side name of the job. Raises: JobNotFound: The input directory did not exist. CommunicationError: There was a problem communicating with the service. """ import defusedxml.ElementTree as ET input_dir = self._input_dir(job_name) r = requests.request('PROPFIND', input_dir) xml_props = ET.fromstring(r.text) file_list = [path_el.text for path_el in xml_props.iter('{DAV:}href')] file_list.sort(key=lambda name: -len(name)) for file_path in file_list: r = requests.delete(self._srv_loc + file_path) if r.status_code == 404: raise errors.JobNotFound(r) if r.status_code != 204: raise errors.CommunicationError(r) def _get_job_from_service(self, job_id): """ Gets a JSON job object for the given job from the service. Args: job_id (str): The id of the job, as returned by after it's been created. Returns: Job: The requested job. Raises: JobNotFound: The job is unknown to this service. Either it was deleted, or it never existed on this service. CommunicationError: There was an error communicating with the service. """ r = requests.get(self._jobs + '/' + job_id) if r.status_code == 404: raise errors.JobNotFound() if r.status_code != 200: raise error.CommunicationError(r) return r.json()